Your kid says they're "trans" —

but you just want them to be healthy and safe.

You've read all the books, listened to all the podcasts.

But how do you get through to your child?

ROGD Repair is a course for parents that begins where other resources end, combining the psychology and communication tools you need.

Is your young adult caught up in the

Trifecta of Social Contagion?

Gender identity ideology works in combination with two other factors: certain beliefs about "social justice" that are anything but, and cluster B personality traits.

Together, these form the perfect storm, transmitting through peers, internet and social media.

It's not just a phase. The Trifecta has a powerful pull on young adults' psychology, and numerous societal factors are working against you. Unaddressed, this can lead to permanent medical harm at the hands of unscrupulous doctors, coming to your child before he or she has even reached cognitive maturity.

ROGD Repair is the first resource for parents that addresses all three of these facets together.

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(Or keep scrolling to learn more about what's in it)

ROGD Repair will teach you to

work with your child's ego, not against it

At this young stage of life, under the influence of the Trifecta, your child's sense of self likely hinges on a sense of being morally and intellectually superior to other people — especially those who don't share their beliefs, and most of all you.

This is where many parents get stuck. How do you convince a headstrong teen or twenty-something that they've been fooled and caught up in a destructive lie?

You don't. You come at it from a different angle — one that appeals to their self-image while restoring their relationship with you, their loving parents. This program will show you how.

The good news is, you can simultaneously

Stop walking on eggshells


Stop struggling to prove your point in ways that contradict your child's self-image.

This course will teach you how to do just that, taking into account your adolescent or young adult child's state of mind, developmental stage, the false self persona they have created, and the influence of confounding variables such as autism, internet addiction, and sibling relationships.

I will help you formulate unique applications of time-tested communication strategies based on a thorough understanding of the types of psychological barriers your children have put up that prevent them from hearing you.

Repair What's Broken in Your World

This course is called ROGD Repair to empower frightened parents like you to view your present challenges as an opportunity to repair what is broken: in your child, yourself, your marriage, your family, and our society.

No matter their age or situation in life, anyone expressing distress about a perceived mismatch between their mind and their sexed body is crying for help. They deserve our compassion, and the best help available. But "gender-affirming care" — an Orwellian term that in actuality describes sex-denying harm — is clearly not it. Far from being life-saving as activists claim it to be, sex trait modification (STM) shortens patients' lifespans, increasing the risk of all cause mortality, including suicide, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, cancers, psychiatric problems, bone health problems and all manner of urogenital issues.

Meanwhile, the same activists pushing to eliminate "gatekeeping" barriers to these life-shortening "treatments" want your children to believe that no other real help is available; that any distress about their gender means that they are trans, and should proceed down a permanent medical pathway rather than explore what has led them to feel this way or find hope that uncomfortable feelings can be overcome.

Don't trans-identifying youth deserve better?

Something in their world is hurting, and they've mistakenly made their sexed body the scapegoat. The truth is that there never was and never will be anything wrong with the fact that your child was born as male or female, and accepting this material reality is a necessary step toward finding true contentment. Scapegoating their sexed body parts, fixating on their natural traits as if they were terrible flaws, endlessly chasing the "euphoria" of the next step in "transition," will not lead to lasting health, happiness, or relational harmony. And this medical path will not address the root cause of their despair... But you might be able to, with the right tools.

The Trifecta is designed perfectly to exploit any weaknesses in an individual, family, or society. While we can't make the Trifecta go away, we can examine the weaknesses it has exploited, like the Trojans conducting a postmortem analysis of how the infamous wooden horse managed to get into their city walls, or an infectious disease doctor helping a patient understand how a particular virus managed to evade or overpower her immune system's natural defenses.

That's where ROGD Repair comes in, bringing you the tools to fearlessly turn over every stone in the quest to find out how this has become an issue in your family. What is this cry for help really calling for? What is in need of healing here? And might there be a way for you to show your child the solutions they didn't consciously know they were looking for — without pressuring, coercing or lecturing them?

You can become a better version of yourself while handling the gender crisis.

You can work smarter, not harder, saving yourself precious emotional energy. You can "clean up your side of the street" and become a better communicator. You can surprise your kids and catch their attention by breaking up familiar patterns. You can stop walking on eggshells while finding the strength to pull your family through this.

Classic Tools, Reinvented for a Modern Problem

Techniques taught in this course are inspired by:

  • Psychodynamic theory: a traditional psychological discipline with a thorough understanding of the unconscious forces that make us human, and the clever ways our psyches attempt to defend us against overwhelming emotions and conflicting drives
  • Nonviolent Communication and Reflective Listening: therapeutic communication skills anyone can use to reduce defensiveness and build understanding
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills for addressing common cognitive distortions and improving mental fitness
  • Hostage negotiation techniques and other tactics used in high-stress, high-stakes situations
  • The Strategic Interaction Approach to helping people in cults and high-control relationships
  • Attachment Theory, which interprets behavior in light of relational needs and stages
  • The Socratic Method for improving critical thinking skills and fostering respectful debate
  • A masters degree in psychology & 10+ years counseling teens, families, & LGB/TQ+ people
  • A thorough understanding of personality disorders and how they relate with "trans"
  • Four years of immersion into studying the nature of the beast of gender ideology, including abundant research and collaboration; a weekly podcast in which I interview detransitioners; surviving multiple "cancellation" attempts; and consultations with hundreds of parents like you — these are the ideas and insights they have found most helpful.

Most of the concepts in this course have been around for decades, if not centuries. But this is the first place you will find this particular palette of ingredients curated in this manner, designed specifically for your purposes.

What's in the Course?

The course contains over 90 lessons and growing, organized into several thematic modules, plus community discussion. New lessons are continuously being added.

Each lesson addresses a topic related to psychology or communication, specifically as it pertains to your unique challenges as the parent of a trans-identified teen or young adult who may be demanding affirmation or pursuing medicalization.

Lessons typically contain these three sections:


1 to 20 minutes in length, with subtitles. Watch or listen.


Digestible articles to read at your leisure, further breaking down and elaborating on concepts explained in the video lessons. Make sure to read these in full, as sometimes I add concepts left out of the corresponding videos.

Questions for Reflection

Open-ended prompts to help you integrate lessons and customize tools to suit your family. Journal into the answer boxes, or discuss with your spouse. Then, whatever you wish to share with others can be copied into the student comment discussion section.

Plus: Community

Each lesson has a Discussion section where students can post comments for each other on how they have implemented the tools, so you can learn from others' experiences. There are also discussion forums where students can ask questions of one another and share success stories.

We respect your privacy. Which information you share about yourself on your profile and in the forums is completely up to you!


Here's a preview of what you'll be learning. New sections are always being added!

  Introduction & Orientation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  First: Let's Address Your Fears About Suicide & Self-Harm
Available in days
days after you enroll
  General Attitudes, Habits & Mindset Shifts to Adopt as You Go Through This Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Quick Interlude: Are You Enjoying This Course?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Relevant Psychological Concepts Affecting Your Family
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding & Dealing with Cluster B Personality Disorder Type Traits & Behaviors
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Communication 101: Asserting Boundaries
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Communication 102: Effective Strategies and Approaches
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Female-Specific Issues
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Male-Specific Issues
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Gaining Further Insight Into Your Child and What You Can Do
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Examining Myths Embedded in Gender Ideology
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Stories and Examples
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Closing Remarks
Available in days
days after you enroll

Meet your instructor:

Stephanie Winn, MA, LMFT

Stephanie earned her Masters in Counseling Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies between 2010-2013, then completed her internship hours in a variety of intensive community mental health settings.

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, she worked in an outpatient clinic between 2016-2020, treating a broad variety of adolescents, adults, families and couples. It was in this setting she was first taught the "gender affirming" standard of care, and attempted to practice it in good faith — but began to see through the cracks.

In 2020, Stephanie went into private practice and began independently researching matters that concerned her. In 2021, she began to speak out publicly through blogging and social media, and quickly found herself successfully facing down fraudulent accusations of "conversion therapy."

In 2022, she launched her podcast, You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist. In 2023 she was featured in the film No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care and was chosen to be the film's spokesperson. Regular media appearances meant an abundance of ROGD parents reaching out for her guidance, and so she began offering consulting for those situations in which therapy didn't quite fit. Many parents soon began to report that her guidance was helpful.

In early 2024, health concerns compelled her to pare down her practice. She stopped providing psychotherapy, and began focusing exclusively on consulting ROGD parents. As she began to regain her health, she built this course based on insights reported to be helpful by hundreds of clients.

Although Stephanie retains her MFT license, this course is not therapy or medical advice. Course participants are not patients of Stephanie Winn and are not being diagnosed or treated with a mental health condition as part of this course. Stephanie is happy to refer course participants to licensed mental health providers in their area.

Ready to Enroll?
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