(PUBLIC PREVIEW) On the Fence? Here's Why You Should Sign Up Today

A publicly visible message for people considering joining

(Enrolled students, feel free to skip this lesson)

Hello, Stranger!

Scoping out the course?

Thank you for taking the time to consider my program!

This lesson is set to public preview mode so that those considering enrolling in the course can see it. If you're wondering if now is the right time, or if this resource is truly worth the investment, then this is for you.

In this 15 minute video, I explain some of what I've learned allows for the best outcomes for families like yours, and why I designed this course with the intention of making those outcomes more accessible to a broader population. I also explain what makes ROGD Repair different from any other resource you might have used or considered.

Unlike most lessons, we won't have a Questions for Reflection section on this one, since it's primarily designed for those who aren't enrolled yet. I will, however, turn on the ability for enrolled students to comment, in case anyone who's done the course would like to weigh in on the value they feel it has brought to their lives.

Meanwhile, here are some reviews students have left in the reviews forum. Enrolled students can view and post in the community where these were originally shared.

Student Reviews

The ROGD Repair Course + Community have been immeasurably helpful for my husband and I! We actually look forward to listening and reflecting on the materials. Stephanie’s wisdom and experience has been priceless in keeping us sane as we live each day processing this situation. We are so glad we found her soon after our son’s coming out to us. I am confident that this course has kept us from saying and doing things we would have regretted.

Christy C., Santa Cruz, CA

This course is brimming with eye-opening information from a perspective that is just not being covered elsewhere. It is richly insightful and practical at the same time and is an incredibly valuable resource for learning how to strengthen your relationship with your child and approach the subject of gender in a way that has the best chance of getting through to them.

If we had had this information 5 years ago I believe we may have been able to not only prevent our son going deeper into the ideology and getting on hormones but even more fundamentally, help him out of the unhealthy psychological patterns that got us into this in the first place. Only a month into learning these concepts, they have already helped us to have conversations we should have had long ago.

Courtney S. Boston, MA

I wish this course had been available three years ago when our family first encountered the sudden announcement of an ROGD son. My initial reaction was to read many many books, listen to podcasts, and watch detransitioner videos, however, these resources don’t provide the important underlying psychological concepts of what is driving the behaviour and thinking of many of these kids. In my desperation, I made several of the mistakes that Stephanie wisely advises against, simply because there were so few resources available to understand the psychological complexities our son was experiencing (and continues to experience) and how best to approach the difficult situations we encountered as parents.

This course is an invaluable resource for any parent struggling to navigate the complex and often overwhelming landscape of gender ideology. Many of us never anticipated facing this challenge, and it was the last thing we were prepared for. Given the current state of ideological influence in our medical, educational, and political institutions, I would strongly recommend that ALL parents take this course as a form of preparedness—before the gender ideology beast comes knocking at your door."

MS in Canada

Our adult daughter lives at home, secretly taking testosterone and trans has been the subject we dare not speak about. The ROGD Repair Course + Community are exactly what we need right now. The course is filled with deep thought provoking questions to help you look at the particulars of your own family dynamics and develop strategies to help guide your child out of the madness. The lessons are filled with information to help you to think calmly and understand and respond to your child in ways you probably haven’t been able to before – right down to the words to say. The Community allows you to learn from and chat with other parents in similar situations – to experience the strange comfort of knowing you’re not alone. We have great hope and this course is making it actionable.

-Mary C. – Rockford, IL

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